History of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia
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Louis Frost
No. 5
No. 4
No. 6

The Louis Frost Notes 1685 to 1962

Dominion No. 5 Colliery

Phalen Seam

Dominion No. 5 Colliery was opened from two locations at Reserve Mines on the Phalen Seam in 1872, known as the East Slope and the French Slope. Originally started as two collieries, the workings merged and were continued on the French Slope until the colliery closed in 1938.

The coal was won from three radiating slopes and during its life the mine produced 12,898,468 long tons from 1312 acres. The seam in this area was 7' 8" thick, low in sulphur and ash and suited for metallurgical use. The roof and pavement were of hard shale.

The colliery was worked on a room and pillar system, the pillars being drawn. Rand radial coal cutters were used for undercutting the coal and Rand jackhammers for boring.

The coal was transported by endless rope haulage to the surface in cars of 2.05 ton capacity. The motive power underground was compressed air.

Surface Plant

The original bankhead was destroyed by fire on October 2lst, 1906. A new bankhead was built which was common to both No. 5 and No. 10 collieries. It was a wooden structure with a floor space of 17,000 square feet and a capacity of 150 tons per hour. The screens used were of the shaking plate type with perforations 3/4", 2" and 3". It was possible to make slack, nut, screened coal, or run-of-mine.

The surface plant was operated partially by steam and partially by electric power obtained from the central power plant at Glace Bay, the steam being produced by seven B. & W. hand fired boilers with a total rating of 2150 horsepower.

Prior to closure the mine produced 350 tons per day. The total output obtained by this colliery came from the land area of the Phalen Seam.

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Last Modified: 98-01-05

Authored by: Louis Frost

The information contained on this site is not provided for the purpose of factual
representation. Instead, it is provided in an historical context. Every effort has
been made to ensure that this information represents the actual content of the
original document authored by Louis Frost for the Dominion Coal Company
on or around 1962. Nevertheless, no warranties are provided in any respect.

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